Privacy Policy


We do not collect your e-mail address except under these conditions.  At your request, we will delete your e-mail address from our records.

  1. You send us an e-mail via the Contact Us page.
  2. You place an order via the PayPal links on the website. PayPal orders are subject to the PayPal privacy policy, which is available here.


We use the WP Security Audit Log plugin as a security monitoring and auditing plugin to create a log of data about the ways that our web site is used by those who have login access to it. This information is collected and retained by the web site administrator for, as the name might suggest, security and auditing purposes.

Once activated, the plugin logs a timestamped record of when a logged-in user takes the following actions:

  1. Logs in and out;
  2. Creates, deletes or modifies or views a post (be it a page, post or a post with a custom type);
  3. Creates, deletes or modifies tags;
  4. Creates, modifies, deletes, or approves comments;
  5. Creates, modifies or deletes widgets and menus;
  6. Creates, modifies (this including changing the password), deletes a user or views another users’ profile;
  7. Installs, activates, deactivates, or uninstalls a theme or plugin;
  8. Changes system settings such as reading, general, or permalinks;

A full list of logged actions is available here.

The timestamped record includes the following information:

  1. The user’s login name
  2. The user’s actual name as entered when their account was set up
  3. The user’s WordPress role (Author, editor, etc)
  4. The IP address from which the user accessed the site
  5. The time and date of each action detailed above while the user was logged in.

The data captured by the WP Security Audit Log plugin is stored by the web site administrator for a period of 6 months solely for security and auditing purposes.

The data captured by the WP Security Audit Log plugin is stored by the web site administrator for a period of 6 months solely for security and auditing purposes.

Information captured by WP Security Audit Log is accessed only by the administrators of the web site and is stored on the web site’s database. These administrators may be located outside the European Union.

Information captured by the WP Security Audit Log is not shared with third parties except in the case of law enforcement requests.


As far as we know, this site does not use any cookies.  We use Cookie Notice to allow visitors to opt out of third-party cookies.

View our Impressum.